Strategic Management of Human Capital

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  • Implemented a comprehensive Human Capital Plan that is fully integrated with the agency’s overall strategic plan and annual performance goals, analyzes the results relative to the plan, and uses them in decision making to drive continuous improvement;
  • Analyzed existing organizational structures from service and cost perspectives and is implementing a plan to effectively deploy, restructure, delayer and use competitive sourcing, E-Gov solutions, as necessary; and has process(es) in place to address future changes in business needs;
  • Succession strategies, including structured leadership development programs, result in a leadership talent pool and agency meets its targets for closing leadership competency gaps;
  • Demonstrates that it has performance appraisal and awards systems for all SES and managers, and more than 60% of the workforce, that effectively: link to agency mission, goals, and outcomes; hold employees accountable for results appropriate for their level of responsibility; differentiate between various levels of performance (i.e., multiple performance levels with at least one summary rating above Fully Successful); and provide consequences based on performance. In addition, at a beta site, there is evidence that clear expectations are communicated to employees; rating and awards data demonstrate that managers effectively planned, monitored, developed and appraised employee performance; and the site is ready to link pay to the performance appraisal systems. The agency has significantly increased the size of the beta site and is working to include all agency employees under such systems;
  • Reduced under representation, particularly in mission-critical occupations and leadership ranks; established processes to sustain diversity;
  • Meets targets for closing competency gaps in mission critical occupations (i.e., agency-specific, human resources management, information technology, and leadership), and integrates appropriate competitive sourcing and E-Gov solutions into gap closure strategy;
  • Meets 45-day time to hire standard, 45-day standard to notify applicants of hiring decision for 50% of hires, targets for hiring process improvements based on CHCO Council criteria;
  • Sets and meets aggressive SES hiring timelines progressing toward a 30-day average;
  • Periodically conducts accountability reviews with OPM participation, taking corrective and improvement action based on findings and results, and providing annual report to agency leadership and OPM for review and approval.


  • Developed, documented and communicated throughout the agency a comprehensive Human Capital Plan that:
    • Clearly aligns with the agency’s mission, strategic plan, and annual performance goals;
    • Fully addresses the Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (HCAAF);
    • Incorporates metrics, including timelines for implementation; and
    • Designates accountable officials;
  • Analyzed existing organizational structures from a service delivery perspective, using redeployment and delayering as necessary;
  • Implemented succession strategies, including structured leadership development programs, to assure continuity of leadership, sets targets for closing leadership competency gaps, and has implemented gap closure strategy;
  • Implemented merit-based appraisal plans and awards programs that link to agency mission, goals and outcomes; hold employees accountable for results appropriate for their level of responsibility; differentiate between various levels of performance; and provide consequences based on performance for all SES and managers. Implementing, at a beta site, performance appraisal and awards systems that are fair, credible and transparent; assure managers are competent in their role as managers; hold managers accountable for managing employee performance, as reflected in their performance plans and ratings; and include employee involvement and feedback. The agency is working to include all agency employees under such systems;
  • Implemented strategies to address under representation, particularly in missioncritical occupations and leadership ranks;
  • Conducted a workforce analysis to identify, set targets, and address competency gaps in mission critical occupations, (i.e., agency-specific, human resources management, information technology, and leadership), and developed short- and long-term strategies to close gaps, including targeted employee development and recruitment and retention programs;
  • Has regular, auditable system(s) for collecting and analyzing data on stages of the hiring process and sets a target for time from closing of announcement until offer is made (e.g., average of 30 days for SES and 45 days for all non-SES);
  • Has developed an OPM-approved accountability system, based on the HCAAF; the system uses outcome measures to make human capital decisions, demonstrate results, and drive continuous improvement in human capital standards. The system includes conducting periodic accountability reviews with OPM participation, taking corrective and improvement action based on findings and results, and providing an annual report to agency leadership and OPM for review and approval.


  • Lacks a comprehensive Human Capital Strategy:
  • Has not done analysis or initiated steps to ensure that its organization structure is optimal for service delivery;
  • Has not identified leadership gaps and implemented succession strategies to assure continuity of leadership;
  • Has not implemented a performance appraisal system for SES and managers that is linked to agency mission, goals and outcomes, effectively differentiate between various levels of performance, and provides consequences based on performance;
  • Has not identified underrepresentation or implemented strategies to address it;
  • Has not implemented a workforce planning system to identify and address competency gaps in mission critical occupations to create a quality workplace that continues to attract and retain talent;
  • Has not made progress toward meeting aggressive hiring time standards and does not make use of hiring flexibilities;
  • Has not developed a planning and accountability system using metrics to evaluate performance on all of the Human Capital Standards.