PMA Overview

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The Announcement

In August 2001, the Office of Management and Budget announced the President's Management Agenda. This agenda included five government-wide management reforms that the George W. Bush Administration had made a high priority:

  1. Strategic Management of Human Capital
  2. Competitive Sourcing
  3. Improved Financial Performance
  4. Expanded Electronic Government
  5. Budget and Performance Integration

As described by OMB, this agenda "is an aggressive strategy for improving the management of the federal government. It focuses on five areas of management weakness across the government where improvements and the most progress can be made."

The OMB document explaining the President's Management Agenda(PMA) had a chapter on each reform describing the problem that existed, the specifics of the reform initiative that were being undertaken, and the expected results of the management reform.

The Scorecard

On October 30, 2001, the Director of OMB issued a memorandum to the heads of all executive departments and agencies that made clear the seriousness with which the Administration is approaching implementation of the President's Management Agenda. He explained that an Executive Branch Management Scorecard had been developed, which would be used by OMB to evaluate where each department and agency stood on September 30, 2001, with respect to compliance with the Standards for Success contained in the scorecard.

That scorecard contained several core criteria for each of the five reforms, with a rating of "green" given if an agency meets all of the criteria for a reform, and a rating of "yellow" for partial success. For each reform there was also several negative situations listed, called Conditions. If any one of these conditions exists, then the agency automatically received a rating of "red" on that initiative.

Rating Plans and Progress

OMB also included a second part to the Scorecard, rating each department and agency's progress in moving toward full compliance with each reform on the President's Management Agenda. While an agency might have had a score of "red" for its “Current Status” on a reform, it could have received a "green" for its “Progress in Implementation” of plans to improve.

The Key Reform

The Budget and Performance Integration initiative was seen by OMB as being the key, overarching reform of the five items on the President's Management Agenda.