Government Performance Management and Budgeting

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About This Web Site

This web site provides information and insights, including examples, about Performance Based Budgeting/Management in government.  Much of the information applies generally to any government at any level anywhere.  It also includes items relating specifically to the U.S. Federal Government, including implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), but which may be useful background for managers and staff at other governments.  Some of the topics addressed here include:

  • Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB),
  • International governmental interest in PBB,
  • PBB and activity-based costing,
  • Origin, intent and requirements of GPRA,
  • GPRA Modernization Act of 2010,
  • What the Program Assessment Rating Tool was,
  • What the President's Management Agenda was.

Because of the great amount of interest in Performance-Based Budgeting by governments both within the US and internationally, this web site deals with this particular reform in some detail. The information provided here includes:

  • an explanation of what a Performance Budget is,
  • a description of the uses of a Performance Budget,
  • an outline of key steps in the development of a Performance Budget,
  • a how-to guide to performance budgeting,
  • several specific illustrations of an effective program Performance Budget, and
  • an overview of a Performance Based Budgeting/Management software product designed specifically for government.

Government Performance and Results Act

The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) was enacted by Congress in order to promote a focus on improving program performance and to provide greater accountability for results by and within federal government agencies. The legislation made major progress toward accomplishing this by requiring agencies and their programs to develop measurable goals for outcomes and outputs and to report actual results.  Building on this foundation laid down by the orginal law, the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 now requires federal agencies to move further toward effective Performance Management, by mandating steps to ensure the actual use of performance information in managing the agencies and their programs.

Performance Management Systems

In order to assist program managers achieve their goals, government agencies should implement comprehensive Performance Management systems. An effective Performance Management system ensures that an agency’s administrative and support functions (budget, financial management, human resources, information technology, procurement, etc.) directly and explicitly serve the needs of program managers in meeting the agency’s strategic and annual goals. A Performance Management system both enables and encourages managers to operate their programs in ways that maximize performance while minimizing costs. 

For information on implementing performance management in government agencies, see the Performance Management Framework table by scrolling down the CASCADE software page.

This web site is provided by John Mercer, who has over 30 years of high-level experience in governmental strategic planning, performance budgeting, and performance management.  The site is sponsored by Knovos of Fairfax, VA, developer of Knovos Cascade, a comprehensive performance planning and management system for government.